SEO Technical Audit

The ship metaphor

Imagine your website as sailing ship. It’s success depends on its ability to sail. Some people want their ship to sail extremely fast. Some people want their ship to sail for as long as possible. Some people just want to get to their destination.

Content acts as the oars of your ship. The more content you have, the more sailors you have rowing. The BETTER the content, the stronger your sailors are. This is the basis of a ship’s ability to sail.

Links act like gusts of wind. Sometimes you get a boost in speed when the wind blows in the right direction. The great the number of quality links, the harder and longer the wind blows.

However, even with many oars and a strong wind, if your ship has a huge gaping hole in the hull, you cannot travel far. Some ships sink even before they can set sail. Content and links can be taken care of naturally, but if you have technical issues on your site, search engines will have a hard time accessing it. You need to stay afloat even without content and external links.

What is an SEO technical audit?

A technical audit aims to find errors and common SEO problems that will hinder your site’s accessibility to search engines and users. If you cannot even get indexed on search engines, your users will unlikely be able to search for you online.

So what do I help you look out for?

  • Accessibility to Search Engines
  • Design complications
  • Site architecture
  • Proper keyword usage in elements
  • Quality of content, duplication problems
  • Links – Internal, inbound and outbound
  • Common SEO problems

I will do a manual audit of your site and let you know what can be improved. This will come in the form of a very detailed report.

Why is the audit important for Startups?

Money Saving
It is cheaper to do a proper audit to iron out all the kinks in your site before the official launch. When you are a year into business and you wonder why you are not getting ranked at all, it might become costly to hire an another SEO to solve your woes. The cost needed to rectify all the faults then might put a heavy load on your finances.

Time Saving
Not only is it a waste of money to solve problems that would have been easily solved from the start, it is also a time drain to manually make the proper corrections. Imagine having to rewrite your content because of duplication issues, or manually checking your link structure. Time is precious for a small team of entrepreneurs!

Face Saving
“Hey I found you from a link in the comment that you posted on a (totallyunrelated).com”
“May I ask where do I buy that product? I just can’t find the link to it.”
“I saw your article somewhere else and found it extremely similar. Did you copy that?”
“I’m trying to buy this product but I keep getting a 404 page.”
“Why can’t I find you on Google?”

Save yourself from such embarrassing feedback please.

Life Saving
It is depressing to write a whole bunch of great content just to find out nobody could read them because of technical faults. It sucks when you have a great product that didn’t sell because nobody found it online. It’s shocking when Google buries your site because your previous SEO consultants used paid links to spammy sites. It’s agonizing when your niche service was wrongly matched to compete with the big businesses. With an early SEO technical audit, you can avoid these issues too!

The SEO technical audit is a part of the other services I offer in my SEO Consultation.